The health and equity impacts of climate change mitigation measures on indoor and outdoor air pollution exposure (HEICCAM)

Please click on the following links for more information about the Network and it’s outputs and events.
Led by: Ruth Doherty – University of Edinburgh
The HEICCAM Network builds a multi-sectoral network of leading researchers, diverse stakeholders and the public to strengthen evidence about the solutions for protecting health from air pollution at the indoor/outdoor interface as we transition to a low carbon future.
To achieve this the Network intends to:
- Convene an interdisciplinary, multi-sectoral network to improve understanding of key trade-offs and future challenges relating to the consequences of climate change and clean air policy measures on exposure to air pollutants in the connected indoor and outdoor environments;
- Facilitate interactions between early career and established researchers across air pollution, building design, public health and behavioural science disciplines to help grow capability in transdisciplinary research in this domain;
- Undertake targeted evidence synthesis, modelling studies and empirical research to guide network discussions;
- Co-produce agenda setting papers for science and policy audiences outlining critical policy and research needs aligned to the clean air programme;
- Disseminate the findings of the network to the wider research community, stakeholders and the public and promote impact on policy, practice and future research.
For more information about the Network, please watch the introductory video below: