OSCA: Integrated Research Observation System for Clean Air

Led by: Professor Hugh Coe, University of Manchester
Project partners: University of Manchester, University of Birmingham, Kings College London, University of Cambridge, University of York, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, NCAS, University of Edinburgh.
Changes to transport systems, energy supplies, solvent use, methods for heating homes and agricultural systems are likely to cause profound changes in the emissions of air pollutants in the near future. The OSCA project will provide new capability to predict future changes in the sources, emissions and atmospheric processes responsible for air pollution, providing robust evidence for air quality policies as well as data and infrastructure for the wider Clean Air Programme. Long term measurements will be carried out at 3 new air quality supersites as well as the BT Tower and current regional long term stations, and a call will be announced for UK science teams to use the sites during intensive observation periods to augment the continuous data sets.