National Physical Laboratory

The National Physical Laboratory (NPL) is one of the Public Sector Research Establishment (PSRE) partners in the Clean Air Programme. NPL is providing metrology support across both the UKRI and Met Office research activities through collaboration with project partners. Metrology provides a measurement infrastructure which is stable over time, comparable between location, and coherent, allowing measurements of different properties using different methods to be combined. Particular areas of collaboration within Clean Air include:
- Performance assessment of key sensor technologies using NPL laboratory and field test facilities
- Development of (sensor and network) Performance assessment of key sensor technologies using NPL laboratory and field test facilities
- Development of (sensor and network) calibration methodologies
- Evaluation of (sensor and network) uncertainties
- Providing linkage to other activities (e.g. Breath London; DEFRA Black Carbon, Heavy Metals and new UK Urban NO2 networks)
- Feeding key project outputs into European standardisation activities through CEN TC264 (Air Quality) WG42 on Air Quality Sensors
You can read more about the Clean Air: Analysis and Solutions Programme here
Please contact Tom Gardiner ( for more information.