Measure, Inform, Nudge: an integrated, human-centric air quality measurement & visualisation system

Energy Systems Catapult: Case Study Video
Led by: Dr Andrew Stewart, arbnco
In this project the partners will develop and pilot an innovative health and well-being solution to monitor, visualise and reduce the health impacts of domestic indoor air pollution. Based on arbnco’s award-winning ‘arbn well’ platform, the proposed solution will collect and analyse data on key air quality parameters and provide actionable insights and recommendations to households to mitigate the health impacts from exposure to pollutants.
The project brings together expertise from the University of Strathclyde, Mitsubishi Electric R&D Centre, Energy Systems Catapult, Modulous and SNRG.
The project will develop a minimum viable product (mvp) of the solution which will undergo piloting with households recruited from the Living Lab homes operated by Energy Systems Catapult. The Living Lab is an affordable, real-world test environment for trialling new products, services and business models, with the aim of de-risking and scaling innovations for market. A series of build-measure-learn feedback loops with Living Lab households will result in a full prototype of the system.
Further, the project will demonstrate sensor-driven indoor air quality control of Mitsubishi’s domestic ventilation system and routes-to-market with two innovative developers of sustainable and affordable homes, Modulous and SNRG, will be explored.