MAQS-Health (Multi-Model Air Quality System for Health Research)

Led by: David Carruthers, CERC
Project partners: Cambridge Environmental Research Consultants Ltd (CERC), with expertise in software development, support and application of local dispersion models (ADMS), and regional model experts from the universities of Birmingham, Edinburgh, Hertfordshire and Lancaster.
This project has been awarded in response to the call for ‘Urban Outdoor Air Quality Modelling’ to provide a high-resolution prediction capability to support personal exposure for health impacts. The system will comprise a coupled air quality modelling system spanning national to urban street scales and accounting for physical and chemical processes occurring at all relevant spatial and temporal scales. It will be flexible and modular, linking established regional chemical transport models including CMAQ, CAMx, EMEP and WRF-Chem and the local model ADMS-Local derived from the widely used urban street scale model ADMS-Urban. An important component of the overall system will be a verification module which will be used for validation of model predictions. The system will be available to the UK research community via the SPF Clean Air Framework platform and will have an open structure facilitating system development and modification. Compatibility with associated SPF projects “UK Emissions Modelling System” and “Air Quality Exposure Modelling” will be ensured through close liaison with those projects.
You can read more about the Clean Air: Analysis and Solutions Programme here