FamilyAIR : Personalised, Actionable Air Quality Monitoring for the Entire Family

Led by: Craig Lynn, Filament PD Ltd
Most adults spend more than 90% of their time indoors and today’s children spend only half of the time outdoors that their parents did. Respiratory disease is the third biggest cause of death in the UK, currently 5.4 million people are receiving treatment for asthma in the UK (1 in 12 Adults and 1 in 11 children). There is, however, a general lack of understanding amongst the public of the factors that affect indoor air quality and their health impacts.
The aim of the FamilyAIR project is to develop a domestic, human-centred air quality monitoring system that engages, educates, and learns from everyone within a household to promote positive behavioural change.
The project will particularly focus on the identification and categorisation of indoor pollution events, providing contextual actionable advice for users and a rich source of aggregated data helping to uncover new research insights.