Breathing City: Future Urban Ventilation Network

Twitter: @breathingcity
Please click on the following links for more information about the Network and it’s resources and events.
Led by: Catherine Noakes – University of Leeds
The FUVN Network brings together researchers and practitioners across the UK to develop a new “Breathing City” methodology to manage exposure to air pollution by considering the airflows between indoor and outdoor environments.
The objective is to define a new integrated health evidenced approach to urban and building ventilation design for vulnerable communities – The Breathing City. Quantifying and managing health risks from air pollution relies on understanding how airflows transport pollutants through urban and indoor environments resulting in human exposure.
To achieve this the Network intends to:
- define a new holistic methodology to evaluate coupled indoor-outdoor flows in the context of air quality challenges for health, together with impacts on thermal comfort, noise and energy use;
- place health outcomes at the heart of building and city design to enable planners, architects, engineers and communities to design, manage, adapt and use urban environments, to address inequalities and minimise air quality exposures for those most at risk from the effects of air pollutants;
- engage researchers, clinicians, practitioners, policy makers, regulators and the public to scope this new approach and provide leadership to the research and impact activities needed to make it a reality.
For more information about the Network, please visit the Breathing City: Future Urban Ventilation Network website or watch the introductory video below: