Air Pollution Solutions for Vulnerable Groups (CleanAir4V)

Website: CleanAir4V
Please click on the following links for more information about the Network and it’s outputs and events.
Led by: Christian Pfrang – University of Birmingham
The CleanAir4V Network brings together researchers, stakeholders and industry practitioners and uses a multidisciplinary approach to identify, develop, and evaluate indoor air pollution solutions for two vulnerable groups (VGs): children (aged 0-16) and people with pre-existing conditions (e.g. COPD). These groups are our focus as they are most strongly affected by poor indoor air quality but have limited autonomy to escape their indoor environments.
The objective is to develop innovative and cost-effective behaviour and technology interventions to reduce future air pollution exposure and improve health of vulnerable groups and implement these interventions through policy advice, planning, and business innovation.
To achieve this the Network intends to:
- build a self-sustaining and interdisciplinary network of academics, stakeholders and industry capable to deliver co-designed research and innovation for developing robust solutions that reduce the impact of air pollution on vulnerable groups;
- cross-link to UK and international expertise to establish research gaps, effective behaviour and technology intervention opportunities and catalyse future cross-disciplinary research capability in the field of air pollution solution research.
For more information about the Network, please visit the CleanAir4V website or watch the introductory video below: