Join us for our upcoming event at Imperial College London (White City Campus) to network and learn more about different career paths open to you!
We are inviting air quality professionals from different sectors to speak openly and honestly about their career journeys, why they made the decisions they did and their top tips for ECRs today.
There will also be an opportunity at the start of the day to give a 3 minute pitch to get the networking conversations started, to introduce who you are, what you do and what your current plans are.
Complimentary refreshments and a working lunch with vegetarian options will be provided.
More details will be made available nearer the date!

Funding assistance

The Clean Air Programme Baverstock Bursary can provide up to £300 to enable travel and accommodation. Priority is given to those travelling from outside of London and will be decided on a case-by-case basis. If you wish to apply for the bursary the deadline is midnight on the 14th March. Details are here: https://www.ukcleanair.org/2023/02/28/funding-opportunity/
ECR Definition
This event is only open to Early Career Researchers. We acknowledge that defining ECR by years post-qualification can be exclusive to those who may have taken career breaks or worked part-time. As such we consider you to be an ECR if you have not started the transition to independent researcher (I.e. you have not held a substantial fellowship).
If we consider you are not an ECR in a relevant field, we may contact you and consider cancelling your ticket so this event remains relevant to other participants.