Apply for funding to lead a transdisciplinary research hub towards realising the health co-benefits of the transition to net zero
Opening Date: 12 September 2023
Closing Date: 16:00 14 November 2023
This £30m opportunity is for up to 5-year hubs, focusing on transdisciplinary research to evaluate the health implications of net zero policies and develop new health focused solutions. Hubs are expected to:
- bring in a wide range of appropriate expertise and policymakers in order to co-lead research to tackle at least one of the identified challenge-led areas:
- Indoor environments in a net zero world
- Transportation and the built environment
- Sustainable healthy diets
- Extreme weather
- Decarbonising health and social care pathways
- take a holistic and systems approach in order to understand the benefits of mitigation and adaptation actions and policies to human health but also the unintended consequences and trade-offs, for example assessing environmental and socio-economic impacts.
You must:
- be based at a research organisation eligible for UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) funding
- meet individual eligibility requirements
The total fund is up to £30 million. You can request up to £6 million (80% full economic cost (FEC)) per hub, over five years.
Each hub will address at least one challenge of the net zero agenda, generating research to understand the human health implications of current policies and identify new health-focused interventions.
UKRI will hold a webinar on 5 October 2023 3:00pm to 4:00pm UK time. This will provide more information about the opportunity and a chance to ask questions. Register for the webinar.