“Most of our problems today stem from our disruption of the natural environment whether climate change, disease transmission from animals, chemical contamination of our water and soil, loss of biodiversity and many others. Recognising that there are environmental limits if humanity wishes to continue, the answers have to lie in how we behave as humans and our appreciation of living as an integral part of the wider environment not separate from it” Professor Sir Stephen Holgate.
In March this year, UKRI ran a Planetary Health workshop for which a summary and report has recently been published on the UKRI news page. The workshop sought to discuss:
- what planetary health research themes should be tackled
- the UK strengths
- where can UKRI add value.
The workshop was led by a relatively select group of experts, and UKRI are keen to hear views from the wider community.
A survey can be found at the bottom of this page and has a deadline of 30th September. We are keen to encourage you to take part in the survey and to submit your thoughts.