Indoor/outdoor Bioaerosols Interface and Relationships Network – BioAirNet
The aim of BioAirNet is to act as the leading voice for the UK BioPM science community by taking a transdisciplinary approach to understand the complexity and connectivity among people, BioPM exposure and the indoor-outdoor continuum.
Breathing City: Future Urban Ventilation Network
The aim of Breathing City is to define a new integrated health evidenced approach to urban building design and technology innovation for vulnerable groups, by understanding how airflows transport pollutants in indoor and urban environments.
The health and equity impacts of climate change mitigation measures on indoor and outdoor air pollution exposure (HEICCAM)
The aim of HEICCAM is to strengthen evidence to optimise the health and equity impacts of changes in air pollution at the indoor/outdoor interface as we transition to a low carbon future.
Tackling Air Pollution at School
The aim of Tackling Air Pollution at School is to bring together interdisciplinary expertise to develop the research base to design and operate healthy schools in the environment of the future.
Optimising air quality and health benefits associated with a low-emission transport and mobility revolution in the UK
The aim of the TRANSITION network is to identify, prioritise and tackle indoor and outdoor air quality challenges linked to the UK low emission mobility revolution, bringing together academics, researchers, policymakers, business, civil society and the wider general public.
Air Pollution Solutions for Vulnerable Groups
The aim of CleanAir4V is to develop innovative and cost-effective behaviour and technology interventions to reduce further air pollution exposure and improve health of vulnerable groups and implement these interventions through policy advice, planning and business innovation.